Showing posts with label heavy metal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heavy metal. Show all posts

New Music: Ak'chamel, Countess, Throne of Malediction

Monday, August 5, 2013

Ak'chamel- Thrower of Sickness Cassette (Self-Released/Halloween Quest Records)
Ak'chamel is an entity which spends a great amount of time in the realm of black metal, yet doesn't exist wholly within it. Instead, Ak'chamel produces blown out drones, sound collages of horror, and eerie samples that are accompanied by a muddy layer of fuzzed-into-oblivion black metal, all while remaining anonymous in outfits like the one presented above. Pairing all this with psychedelic leanings and spacey effects that may have come from a Hawkwind album makes for an experience that is enjoyable as a fan of black metal but also as a fan of bizarre ambiance. If you dig bands that toy with atmosphere and throw the rule book out the window, this album was made for you. Think of things like the murkier and more ethereal LLN groups or even the psychedelic madness of The Mausoleums. Currently only available as a free download, expect a cassette edition from Halloween Quest Records in the near future.

Countess- Sermons of the Infidel CD (Self-Released)
Countess stands as one of the cleaner recordings I've heard lately, following roots in a more traditional form of heavy metal while taking them down a darker path. This one-man band creates deceptively simple riffs over which stronger melodies are layered. The vocals are clearly human, snarled out with a vicious attitude, rather than the demonic shrieks of many newer bands. The evil intent drips from every line, clearly drawing inspiration from first wave black metal without simply mimicking the style of the originators. My only criticism here would be that the drumming is either programmed or done in the simplest fashion possible, but it still sets an appropriate foundation for some incredibly catchy and enjoyable metal that stands outside of time and trends. Snag this album from the artist's bandcamp page as linked above and check out his extensive back catalog while you're there.

Throne of Malediction- Out of Darkness, Comes Light (Torn Flesh Records/No Remorse Records)
Throne of Malediction grace this post with another set of sounds that rarely appears on this site, yet it's masterfully done and makes for a welcome addition. Elegant harpsichord sounds open the album with ominous spoken word, leading into an album of heavy metal which draws influences from both aggressive black metal and gloomy key-heavy doom without firmly planting itself in either. Vocals vary widely, with harsh male vocals of the black metal ilk often trading with soothing presence of gently sung female vocals that stop just short of reaching "operatic" levels. The balance of dark and light is clearly Throne of Malediction's focus, as album title and sound both demonstrate, and the balance is well kept. The album is just adventurous enough to create a unique experience, but familiar enough to keep a listener satisfied from start to finish, with a few surprise guest spots along the way. Obtain this album for free download by clicking the album's title in the header of this section and get your gloom on, or make a commitment to the darkness by purchasing from No Remorse Records.

Year End Extravaganza: Top Albums of 2012 According to Matt Solis (Cormorant)

Monday, January 7, 2013

I met Matt Solis from stellar prog-metal crew Cormorant about seven years ago when he was playing guitar for Northern California gore fiends Shitstorm and I was doing absolutely nothing with my life. He's always been a respected source of great new music in my life, and has always managed to share his interests with me in an eloquent and friendly way. As he's got a unique perspective on these things, I asked him to contribute some of his favorites of the year and he shared this massive list of wonderful albums. 

25. Of Monsters and Men: My Head is an Animal
I think this came out in their native Iceland in 2011, but fuck that, I got the American release. Eurofolk with just the right amount of pop sensibilities and amazing songwriting

24. Agalloch: Faustian Echoes
One long, badass song. Nice return to their black metal roots. I also dig the creepy “Faust” samples.

23. The Great Old Ones: Al Azif
This record snuck up on me at the very end of the year. Fucking awesome Lovecraftian black metal with tasteful post-rock influences. Hail Cthulhu!

22. Blut Aus Nord: 777 - Cosmosophy
Atmospheric as fuck, great guitar work, weird electronic stuff, an overall sense of foreboding…another solid Blut Aus Nord release!

21. Evoken: Atra Mors
Top notch funeral doom. Filthy as fuck. I sort of want to take a shower after I listen to this record.

20. Deathspell Omega: Drought(EP)
Another weird one from the kings of French black metal. I love the pronounced post rock influences on this EP, and the fast parts make me want to punch holes in the nearest wall.

19. Between the Buried and Me: The Parallax II: Future Sequence
Great follow up to their 2011 EP. If you don’t like BTBAM because they’re “too random,” I want to fight you.

Not quite as awesome as Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde, but still amazing in its own right. Thoughtful, powerful stuff. Black metal that your girlfriend might like. Might.

17. The Sword: Apocryphon
Bringers of mighty riffs and tasty jams. I got this one on orange vinyl and it sounds great. Probably my second favorite Sword record behind Age of Winters.

16. Cattle Decapitation: Monolith Of Inhumanity
The best part about this album is Travis Ryan’s seemingly impossible vocal performances, which are somehow more varied than ever before. Great release from death metal’s most underrated band.

15. Father John Misty: Fear Fun
Ex-Fleet Foxes drummer Josh Tillman reinvents himself as a hip swinging, drug taking, musical dick slinger. Some amazing songs on this one.

14. Deftones: Koi No Yokan
This one surprised the fuck out of me. I pretty much wrote Deftones off in my later adult years, so when I first heard this album my jaw hit the floor. Really, really good. Might even be on par with White Pony for me.

13. Svartidaudi: Flesh Cathedral
Icelandic black metal. Fuck yeah.

12. Neurosis: Honor Found In Decay
Great to see a strong release from Neurosis in 2012. I saw them perform most of this album live recently, and it seems like they have a renewed sense of vigor that’s translating into some really magical stuff.

11. Samothrace: Reverence to Stone
Two songs that will crush your balls into dust. Some of the heaviest shit I heard all year.

10. Worm Ouroboros: Come the Thaw
Beautiful, heartbreaking and heavy all at once. Renowned Bay Area band whore Aesop Dekker brings a lot of subtle dynamics to the drums on this record. I don’t recommend killing yourself in a bathtub, but if you have to, make sure you throw this on the stereo.

More furious than previous release Axe to Fall, yet complemented with some ball swingin’ grooves that produce some of Converge’s most memorable riffs, like that main one in “Sadness Comes Home.”

8. Witchcraft: Legend
Shit rocks. Fuck everyone who says they don’t like the production. The songs sound like classic Witchcraft with even better guitar work.

7. Hooded Menace: Effigies of Evil
Old school death metal with some funeral doom thrown in for good measure. Ye gods, the filthy riffs on this album.

I will always love Rush unconditionally and immediately purchase anything they put out, but allegiance or no allegiance, there’s no denying this is a legitimately great album. The fact that a 40-year old band could write and record an album that’s on par with some of their greatest work is nothing short of astounding. HAIL RUSH.

5. Pallbearer: Sorrow and Extinction
Doom done exceedingly well. Awesome guitar work, chilling vocal deliveries, crushing riffs…it succeeds on all fronts. Great record.

4. Graveyard: Lights Out
Another great album from Graveyard that sounds like it was lifted from the 1974 vaults. This is music that makes me want to stop bathing and roll my own cigarettes.

3. Enslaved: RIITIIR
My favorite metal band releases another instant classic. Progressive, heavy, thoughtful and inspiring. Enslaved cannot be fucked with.

2. Astra: The Black Chord
I really liked The Weirding because it was Pink Floyd worship done right, and I really, REALLY like The Black Chord because it’s YES/King Crimson worship done right. I get high just thinking about this album.

1. Ahab: The Giant
One of the best doom albums ever. I love Ahab’s previous work, but there’s something different about this album…an overall atmosphere that I’ve rarely felt when listening to music. Sounds like being crushed at the bottom of the Mariana Trench by some horrible, undiscovered sea monster. LOVE.

Free Music Friday: Mion's Hill- "Festering Curses" Cassette

Friday, December 7, 2012

This week in Free Music Friday, we examine a throwback slab of classic black metal ferocity, courtesy of Norway's own Mion's Hill. When some people talk about "old school" black metal, it's more of a reference to the sounds of Transilvanian Hunger-era Darkthrone or the majesty of Emperor's In the Nightside Eclipse. While those albums and groups are absolutely part of my personal collection and have been long-standing favorites, the true origins of black metal are often forgotten by journalists and newer fans of the genre. Mion's Hill's debut demo brings us back to the days of Celtic Frost and Bathory, when thrash was king of the metal world and death and black metal were just beginning to separate from the greater masses of the heavy metal world.

In no way would I label this tape a thrash album, mind you, but the influence is quite apparent. Instead, this is some of the fastest, most vicious black metal I've heard in a while. The production isn't slick, but it isn't muddy either. This is the perfect documentation of a raw and aggressive band that's hellbent on tearing the listener to pieces. The vocals are howled with an evil intent somewhere between a yell and a scream and the music backing them is driving and punishing. Riffs vary from Sabbath-inspired doom to the blistering madness of some of the rawer second-wave black metal groups. If you've ever worn a vest covered in patches or spent time dissecting the musical roots that led to the current state of metal, this album is absolutely written for you. There are echoes of most classic forms of metal at various points in this demo. Rather than sounding like some of these sloppy retro-obsessive bands that just rip off the classics without carving their own style, Mion's Hill have created something unique and timeless here. It's rare that I hear a new band worshiping the old school groups that captures my attention, but they've done it. Each song is perfectly crafted for headbanging, drinking beer, and circle pits.

If you're into these descriptions, check out the Mion's Hill bandcamp for your free download. If you're dedicated to the music, buy a tape and help fund more madness from them. I also noticed they've finally got t-shirts available, so if you're really into it, grab a shirt and tape by sending them an email.

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